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Investing You’ll Love

Grow your money using our Wealth Management App with in-built robo-advisory.

Invest in Mutual Funds, Stocks and Goals all from one app.

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Zero Commissions,
Unlimited Investments

Invest in more than 5000 Mutual Funds, on your own.
Invest in the best with absolutely No Transaction Charges.
Invest worry free with no account fees or any hidden charges.

Super-power Your Investments With Goals

Create separate goals for Short Term and Long Term Investments and track them easily.
Choose the best funds with our Data-driven Mutual Fund selection strategy.
Buy low and sell high with our One-click Portfolio Rebalancing.

Stocks, IPOs & ETFs for Direct Investing

Open a 100% Online Stock Trading account which is hassle-free and easy to use.
Zero Account Opening Charges with a Flat Brokerage Plan of up to ₹20 per trade. Also, one of the lowest AMC charges across industry!
Enjoy applying for upcoming IPOs or leverage your trades up to 20x for intraday and 4x for delivery.

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